
Tips to help you find a job

  1. Gather your information
    Before you start your job search, gather all the information about yourself. This will help you know what kind of work you can apply for in the United States. This may include:
  • Work history – name, dates, and location where you worked, as well as your responsibilities
  • Job skills – general skills that can be used in any job (keeping up with deadlines, learning quickly) as well as special skills (operating machinery)
  • Education or training – name and location of the school you attended. Include any training you have. You may want to have your diploma evaluated to be recognized in the U.S.
  • Languages – often immigrants know more than one language, and this can be valuable to an employer
  • Professional references – these are people you have worked with in the past who can speak positively about your experience
  • Proof that you can work in the U.S. – certain documents prove that you can work in the U.S., such as a passport, green card, or social security card. Your employer should never keep your documents.
  • Depending on the job you are looking for, it is a good idea to prepare a resume and cover letter. Some jobs don’t require a resume, but keeping a list of job information is still helpful.
  1. Think about which jobs are right for you
    Take the time to understand the different job titles and job descriptions. What kind of work experience and education do they require? Look for words such as “required,” “needed,” and “necessary” to make sure you have the experience or education for the job.
  2. Look for job opportunities online
    One of the easiest ways to find a job is to search online.
  3. Share with your community that you are looking for a job
    Your family and friends can connect you with employers. Share with them that you are looking for a job and ask for recommendations. You can talk to your neighbors and other people in your community. They are all part of your “network,” which is a support system for finding opportunities and building relationships.
  4. Look for opportunities in your neighborhood
    Look for “Help Wanted” signs in your neighborhood. This means they are looking for employees. Introduce yourself and ask about available positions. You may need to fill out a paper application.
  5. Register at the employment center
    Employment centers offer free help in finding a job. They also offer services such as job counseling, resume help, and access to computers. You can search for job centers and other support on FindHello . Click on “Jobs and Careers”.
  6. Contact companies directly
    If you want to work for a particular company but haven’t found any openings online, send them an email or give them a call. You won’t always get a response, but you may get some useful information about future opportunities. Some may even offer a meeting.
  7. Attend job fairs and networking events
    Job fairs are events where different companies provide information about job opportunities. You can usually talk directly to people who help with hiring for the company.
  8. Gain more experience through training programs or volunteering
    Sometimes you need more experience for the job you want. Some employers also want to see you have experience working in the United States.

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